Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Signs of spring

Why is winter so much longer than spring?

It has been a very long and cold winter and I am ready for sunshine, shorts and tee shirts. The old time rustics raved about sassafras tea as a tonic to thin down the blood from winters thickening and sluggishness. When the first color shows in the sassafras tree it is time to dig up the roots and begin to boil them in water. The tea tastes like root beer and if you put in enough sugar the concoction is quite pleasant. It really smells good in the house too, especially if steeped on a wood stove. I don't know why, but some sassafras makes a green tea and some makes a red tea. I have tried both and can't tell any difference at all.

Those who love to get their hands in the dirt are also ready to drag their winter worn hiney's out of the house into the garden. Gail and I planted two rows of Pontiac potato's (Dan Quayl's spelling - potatoes). These are our favorite variety of spud because they taste amazing creamed with young peas. We have found them to the be the most prolific producer too. And, let's just say it - the red color is pretty!

We also put out a mixed bag of lettuce early. We buy several varieties of lettuce and mix them all together and sow them. When they are ready to eat you have a mixed salad ready made. My favorite lettuce is Red Sails. Make sure you get some of those seeds in your mix.

So, let's summarize: we have red sassafras tea, red potatos and red sails. Maybe the reason winter seems so much longer than spring is the color red. I can't for the life of me see how this could possibly be the reason for the inequity in the seasons, but it seems to be gaining weight in the argument. I guess we will just have to leave some of the mysteries in life unanswered. But I really like the color red.

1 comment:

  1. i am planting potatoes for the first time this year. i may seek some advice in the coming weeks. nice to have another blog for me to frequent. this is Dallas, btw :)
